Zoe’s 8th Birthday

This image taken 1/3/08

Today is one of the love’s of my life’s birthday. Zoe turned 8 today and I just can’t believe its been that many years. I’m pretty sure all of you know my puppa Zoe, but for those of you that don’t I’ll tell you a little about her. I found her and her sister in a park in Gainesville, FL at an Ultimate frisbee tournament. I wasn’t looking for a dog, nor was I allowed to have one in the apartment I was living. However, this didn’t stop me from taking one look into her eyes and saying, this is my dog, I have to have this dog.

And so it would be, Zoe has been with me all these years and has been the one constant in my life. It’s amazing the love you find you can have for an animal. She’s a really great dog, that really enjoys playing with her toys, chasing squirrels, running in the park, taking hikes, and swimming.

She gets claustrophobic in the car and panics if the window isn’t down in the backseat. So yes, I ablidge even in 20 degree cold weather, where her brother Cole and I freeze. She’s getting a bit ornery in her old age and has decided it’s ok to get on the couch and my bed whenever she wants. She’s loves her brother Cole buddy and I’m sure she’s glad he joined our clan a few years ago.

I’ll close with a short poem I wrote for Zoe back in Feb of 2004.

Thank you for all your love
The one constant in these last many years
Thank you for the smiles you’ve inspired & the waters we’ve visited
I can’t imagine a hike without a check-in or a day there is no waggle
You’ve never ceased to amaze me in all your understanding of my strange tongue
Thank you for making my every day world more beautiful
I love you with all my heart!

Happy 8th Birthday Doodle and thank you for being you!

Published by Keli Keach

2 comments on “Zoe’s 8th Birthday”

  1. Happy 8th Birthday Waggle Butt!!
    Keli, be sure to get in a good belly rub for Zoe from Marcus and I.
    Your posting here put tears in my eyes it was so sweet.
    I hope Zoe gets lots of treats today!

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