Winsome Saturday Morning

So I rarely share anything I write in my journal, but tonight I’ve decided to share the randomness that I experienced and wrote about Saturday Morning. The writing took place in small chucks over a two hour window.

It was a magical morning and for those few hours, I was warm to the core, and felt a bliss nothing could touch. Also, I mention “cottonseeds” which are these fuzzy white seeds that break away from a certain type of tree (sorry I don’t know the name) and it fills the air. I don’t think they are cottonseeds, but they look like little white puffs of cotton, so that’s what I named them :)

Beware to the reader, random disconnected thoughts ahead.


Warm temps run over my skin as the wind swirls cottonseeds all about me.
Mailbox present aged and hearty. Enjoying every minute of it.
Rodrigo y Gabriela lift my spirit as my hips find rhythm and my arms defy gravity.
Brilliant spring leaves twinkle as they bounce off a cotton candy sky.
Cottonseeds still gliding through space – I wonder, does it enjoy its flight?

Gratitude rolls over me with the gentleness of the Palouse fields in late June.
A sparrow finds tune with Rodrigo y Gabriela and harmony it is.
Did I mention the whispering breeze that tickles me? How sweet it feels?

Thoughts of my birthday week slide beneath my lids and I become aware of the gentle smile that has grown.
Days filled with actively being amongst the trees and hills, family and friends, warm wishes and thoughtful gifts.
Enjoying being loved and loving in return.
New friends grace my landscape and old ones stand within sharing in my now.

On this day of needed solitude I slowly know that balance is closer to being centered.

Deep breaths act as a hypnosis that paralyze the external view of my body.
All thats experienced is feeling the aliveness that’s running through my core.
A relaxation comes to sit about me.

My “Tenessee Volunteer” resembling hammock arcs a U across my yard.
10 Years I’ve had that hammock made in a small village outside Merida, Yucatan – Mexico.
It’s swayed in many of rooms and yards, and has comforted me with a smooth touch of silk.

Oh, the doggy back scratch in freshly mowed grass.
Zoe’s got an upside down smile as she arches her head back and I scratch her graying chin & neck.

The cottonseeds transport me to a fairy tale somewhere in Scotland if only for a moment.

Today has been a magical day and there is still so much of it left.


For those who would like a taste of Rodrigo y Gabriela, here’s a YouTube video of one of my favorite songs. It’s amazing guitar playing, and just wait till the end to really be wowed.

“I trust in nature for the stable laws of beauty and utility. Spring shall plant and autumn garner to the end of time.”
~Robert Browning

Published by Keli Keach

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