Shedding Centuries of Baggage

I’ve just returned from one of the most amazing weeks of my life. I went to a workshop at Hollyhock which is on Cortes Island, BC in Canada. It was a 10 hr journey by car which included 3 ferry rides and amazing scenery. My life has taken me on a path of doing hypnotic regressions through my therapy and it has been amazingly healing. I’ve regressed into different ages in this life and then happened upon a past life which I wrote about in another post. Uncovering that past life not only explained some of the ways I am in this life but it has also healed the strange pelvic pain I’ve had since my early 20s. This type of miraculous healing is more common than you would think after hearing about people who do past life regressions. This path landed me at Hollyhock to do a workshop with Ainslie MacLeod. He’s written two books about uncovering your soul’s mission and path as well as how to identify and heal your past live traumas/fears. When I found his website I was instantly sucked in and saw the word Mentor in my mind’s eye. I signed up for the workshop and I went with an open mind and heart. Ready for whatever was to come my way. 

A year ago I’m not sure I firmly even believed in reincarnation. It was always one of those possibilities or maybes but I hadn’t really given it any serious thought. I would use phrases like, well maybe in my other life, or when I come back I’ll blah blah. But after this last week of doing over 10 regressions with 13 courageous women (some had never done a regression) I no longer have any doubts about living many lives in physical form. So many pieces and questions I’ve had all my life are falling into place and being answered from a very deep and truthful place. I ask no one to believe what I believe but to be open to the possibilities. To explore the questions yourself. 

I’m not feeling the urge to write details at the moment, but I will say that throughout the week I had several very profound regressions that took me to a place of real understanding of who I am and so much of what I’ve experienced and how that’s carried forward in lifetimes. I became lighter throughout the week and started to stand a little taller. Fears fell away, confidence was built, and connection with others was more profound than I would have thought possible. I drove away from Hollyhock saying you can’t stop me. No one can hold me back, not even myself. I have no reason to fear the unknown, authority, those who feel they are better than me, I don’t need to doubt my abilities, and all my experiences of rejection won’t prevent me from giving and receiving love. This all came from just having an understanding. From reminding my soul through the regressions, yes you experienced that, but you can no let it go, it was a long time ago. I don’t know how it works, but it does. 

I was inspired to share a space with incredible women who shed tears from being stoned to death, being abused by a priest, being drowned, and for being hung for trying to free herself and some fellow slaves. We were opressed and were the oppressors. We were girl, boy, black, white, asian, young and old. I was witness to the courage as people shared their experiences during the regressions and the lessons we should take away from those lives. I saw us all be deeply affected by the regressions but then shortly after the trauma would just evaporate. We discussed the links between the past and the present. Phrases of – this explains so much, or,  so that’s why I do that, I’ve never been able to figure it out, where heard all week long. We shed tears, gave each other hugs, and bonded with open hearts. Everyone seemed to be lighter by the end of the week, ready to start a new chapter, ready to go forth and live meaningful lives where we help people. We understand that all souls are equal. We all come to experience the human experience and some souls are new while others have been around so many times they’re almost ready to permanently go home. I’ve also learned that souls while they pick things to experience before coming back never choose negative things. Souls know negative things will happen to it and they try to give the tools to grow from those challenges, but they never seek them out to learn from. 

I’m so grateful for what I experienced. I’ll never be the same. There is so much to learn about the mysteries of life with mind, body, and spirit. Our interconnectedness and interdependency of every system we are a part of. Just imagine if we could help our children understand some of their challenges from early on so they could be free of things that are said and done, yet affect them unnecessarily in this life. If we could fully understand each of their unique gifts and talents and learned how to support and educate them so they could be better equipped to live out their soul’s missions. 

With all the pain and suffering in the world, I am hopeful. We can choose to take better care of ourselves so that we can better take care of others. In the end it’s all about love and connection. Helping and lifting people up. Standing up for those that don’t have a voice or not allowing someone’s dignity to be stripped away by standing by as someone uses discriminatory language. Forgiving those that have caused us pain because they themselves undoubtedly suffer strongly themselves. Reminding ourselves not to judge because we know no one’s story but maybe our own and even then we probably don’t know as much as we think. Be kind to yourself. I’m learning it starts here. Pat yourself on the back and lift yourself up. Do your best and let things go, life is to short to hang on to anger. 

I post this picture with awe and gratitude for the eclectic group of people I shared such extraordinary things with. We are kindred spirits brought together to heal, support and move forward in high conscienceness. Much love to all.



Published by Keli Keach

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