Aubrey 13 Mths

So I’ve been crazy busy and haven’t been able to take any photographs of cute little Aubrey. Alexa stopped by on Saturday when I was hanging outside so I grabbed my camera. They were in the shade so the light’s not the best, but the subject is cute enough that it doesn’t really matter.

Aubrey has looked like her Dad since she was born but more and more she’s looking like her Mama. Isn’t nature beautifully mystical?

Here’s my little Bella and her many teeth:

Peeking over the lawn chair:

She was so proud of herself climbing away:

So we High Five and Low Five all the time and she loves it, so I’m glad I got this shot:

So cute, giving her Mama kisses.

Babies touch the world with love.
~ Author Unknown

Published by Keli Keach

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