Serendipity at its Finest

I had such a perfect beautiful day! My eyelids are heavy and my body says, “please take me to bed,” but my heart says, “please write it down if you can.”

Today I awoke earlier than normal and felt quite refreshed. Many of you know I’m not a morning person, so waking up with a big smile on my face ready to see what the day has in store, doesn’t happen that often. It usually takes me 7 snoozes and a good hour before I’m really ready.

As I was getting ready I thought, “you should drop in and take a yoga class tonight.” It’s been about 3 mths since I stopped taking class and perhaps my body was needing a bit of calm, quite, awareness. I was leaving my house early (which doesn’t ever happen either) so I decided to go to our Co-op for some breakfast muffins and some fruit for snacks. The sun was shining, Josh Ritter was playing, and I just new it was going to be a good day.

While at the Co-op I ran into a friend who I met in my Yoga class and we chatted. I told him how funny it was that I thought about going to class tonight and he said, oh you should and Leigh (his girlfriend) is substituting. I’ve taken a few classes from Leigh and she’s great teacher and we always end up having a good chat. So that settled it, I was heading to Yoga that evening.

I arrived at work hoping my computer was going to work because I had spent 2 frustrating hours the day before trying to connect to our network. I placed my laptop on my docking station and crossed my fingers. Voila – it worked. I’ve only been awake at this point for an hour but I’m already feeling amazing.

I shared my muffins, worked through the morning, and checked my personal email before I heading to lunch with a co-worker. My inbox shined with an email from my friend Cindy Mama from Asheville, NC replying to my email telling me her family is renting a condo in Jacksonville while I’m in Florida in April. I couldn’t believe it! I wrote her 2 days ago on a whim and said, “hey Cindy, doesn’t your family want to take a road to Florida in April so I can see you all and meet your new little girl Hattie?” I mean really, is this happening on my already perfect day! Of course I was just ecstatic knowing I get to drive over to the beach and spend some time with them and it was completely out of the blue.

I headed to lunch with an even bigger perma grin then I had on earlier with my co-worker Clyde. This was a personal lunch, that was filled with great talks of Vision Quests, religion, spirituality, and the Unity church. All things playing a big role in both of our lives at the moment. It was a great lunch and the craziest part was that I’ve been reading some books by Eric Butterworth who was a minister of a Unity church. I won’t go into details about the Unity church, you can easily find info online, but its been something I’ve been recently exposed to and have been interested in learning more about. There is one Unity church in a town south of me about 30 min. and 2 in Spokane about 1.5 hours away. Wouldn’t you know it that Clyde is a member of the Unity church south of Moscow. I know, beautiful right?

While at lunch my phone rang and it was my friend Tanya, aka T$. I looked at it and said, sorry T, I’ll have to call you after work. Clyde and I drove back to work on a beautiful sunny afternoon wishing we could have skipped out on the rest of the day and had beers at the local brew house. As I was settling into my desk, my phone rang, Tanya again. I thought oh know, something’s wrong, so I ran outside where I get cell phone coverage and answered. It was her mom saying that Tanya’s “litter” was about ready to join this world.

OMG, Tanya is having her baby, aaahhhhhh. I was so excited I didn’t even know how I was going to work this afternoon. I asked around work to see if anyone had a candle, but came up empty. She was due on Mar 21st, so she’s early and I just wasn’t expecting it. As I’m writing this, 10:30 my time and 1:30 her time, there’s still no little one yet. We don’t know its sex, and I don’t know for sure what the name will most likely be. I can’t believe Tanya’s going to be a mommy.

I try to work the rest of the day, but I have to admit, I wasn’t 100% focused on my tasks. The day at this point was overflowing with wonderfulness, and I wanted to hop on a plane and end it at Tanya’s bedside. Instead, I drifted out of the clouds, came home, hung out with my puppas and got ready for Yoga.

It was the last Yoga class for that session so it was a restorative practice. This means using a lot of props to allow your body to mold into restoring poses, so you can just let go. These are some of my favorite classes because there is so much stillness and conscious relaxation. It was a really great class and my body, mind, and heart were all very happy that I decided to go.

I stayed for awhile and chatted with Leigh who I don’t really know all that well, but connect with pretty easily. I got to hear about her amazing 6 week trip to Africa where for part of it she went to a 2 week drumming and dancing camp. I’ve heard Leigh and her friends playing the drums in a park, and she’s pretty amazing. I can’t imagine going to a camp in Africa to be taught by the best of the best! She had just gotten back this week and was still glowing from her trip. (Man, I gotta take a trip out of the country!)

I left class in a hazy, relaxed dazed and headed for my car to go home. As I passed one of my favorite coffee shops, I noticed there was some people playing music. I decided to pop my head in to see what it was. Very light celtic music that seemed to be speaking to my state at that very moment. I had my book with me, so i decided my evening would continue downtown with a little reading and some angelic music. What a perfect way to wrap up an extraordinary day.

Little did I know there would be another little twist ahead. As I was getting some tea, I ran into one of my friend Emily’s friends. He asked if I would join him, so we found some comfy chairs, sipped our tea and began getting to know one another. I think he enjoyed me being on cloud nine and I enjoyed his company and sharing the end of my perfect day with someone.

Who knew a Thursday could beat most of the Friday’s I’ve had lately. Mmm, life is so good to me. Thanks for sharing it with me.


“Give up defining yourself – to yourself or to others. You won’t die. You will come to life.”
-Eckhart Tolle

Published by Keli Keach

One comment on “Serendipity at its Finest”

  1. I think your description of this day just brought me through the same joys you experienced. I’ll live through you for a bit, Keli. I’ve been missing yoga beyond belief and am glad you made it to a class. And, welcome to Tanya’s little baby! New life is a beautiful thing.
    thanks for sharing, again :)

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